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Deep Dive Word Coaching

From Napkin to Novel!

1 h
$85 - 125/hr

Service Description

Unsure how to get your great idea off the napkin and into a best seller? Looking for your next career move and not sure how to put your life's experience into a stellar CV? Trying to write the perfect essay, love letter or blog? You don't want your brilliant thoughts and ideas to get lost in translation! "Writing is like jumping into the deep end of a swimming pool and not realizing that it leads to the ocean." It's hard work and takes a lot of forethought and self-discipline. This is simply a fact of writing regardless of the kind of writing you are doing. My job as your writing coach is to help you through the process, from the beginning of an idea, half way through it or even at the end. I'm here to encourage you to continue when you want to throw in the towel and be your cheerleader when you succeed. I'm your accountability buddy, helping to keep you on track, encourage you when you feel like quitting, and heighten your chances of making it to the last line of the last page.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule your booking, please allow a 24-hour window.

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